Seven years ago I learned about the one-word initiative Jon Gordon wrote about in his book, "One Word that will Change Your Life" that encourages people to identify one word that will be their driving force for the year (instead of a list of resolutions that are often hard to accomplish/attain).
My one word for 2022 is courage. I chose this word because I believe that courage has been needed and embraced by all of us as we continue to navigate this pandemic together. We need the courage to engage in meaningful and honest conversations about our work and our lives. We need courage to actively listen and be open to new possibilities.
I will keep this word in mind every day. I will keep this word in my mind every day at home and at work with the goal that I am a courageous wife, mom, friend, educator, colleague, and someone in whom you can place your confidence. I will also look for examples of courageous behaviors in different settings and situations in all areas of my life. I will let courage be my focus in 2022.
"COURAGE" by Glen Phillips
My husband Michael and I have always loved Glen Philips, but we haven't listened to his music for several years. This week we decided to listen to him while in the car driving to hang pictures in my new school office. When this song came on it confirmed that courage would be my #oneword2022. Take a listen! What is your #oneword2022? This One Word 365 website might give you some inspiration if you need help getting started!
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