An edcamp is a term used to describe the structure for "free, organic, participant-driven, un-conferences that empower educators to maximize professional learning experiences and peer networks."
Yesterday educational leaders from across Massachusetts came together early on a Saturday morning to participate in EdcampMaLeads! Participants generated the topics for the day shortly after arrival and the "Big Board" was created within 30 minutes!
I left the day thinking about John Hattie's research on Collective Teacher Efficacy and how it can be applied to the outcomes of EdcampMaLeads.
I have used the work of John Hattie around Visible Thinking and influences on student learning to help focus and set goals in areas that will have the greatest impact on my school. These influences were rated using an effect size, with a .40 effect size having the potential to stimulate a year's growth.
With an effect size of 1.57, Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) is ranked as the number one factor that influences student achievement (Hattie, 2016). CTE is a staff's shared beliefs that through their collective actions, they can positively influence student outcomes.
I think we should consider the impact of "Collective Leader Efficacy" on student (and staff) learning. Yesterday's edcamp had educational leaders voluntarily and passionately sharing their practice with each other. I am still not done creating my list of takeaways from these 5 hours spent on a Saturday, but I know that the innovative practices shared will positively impact my staff and students. Share your thoughts below in the comments!