Sunday, June 23, 2019

Creating an environment where it is hard to say goodbye!

How Lucky Am I to Have Something that Makes Saying Goodbye So Hard

This picture popped up in my Facebook memories this week. It is from two years ago when I left my "home" district that I had spent 12 years growing in. During my time there I served as a classroom teacher, grade leader, and school administrator. The relationships established over those 12 years are something that I will treasure forever. It was and is still so hard to say goodbye to what we shared together. I miss this community every day (probably because I put too much of my heart into my work, but I guess that's what makes me me)! I left my "home" to continue my professional growth and over the past two years I have set my sights high- serving as a building principal in a neighboring district and currently as the assistant director of elementary education in a district a bit farther from home.  I'm not 100% sure of where I'm going, but I come to work every day leading with heart and courage, and sometimes it's hard to know the impact of my work.

BUT- it's funny how things work out. I saw this memory on Facebook just before beginning my third day of professional development with some very dedicated educators in my new district on action planning for next year.  I decided to use this quote, to begin my work with the end in mind- I want to create an environment for educators (and students) where it is hard to say goodbye. Where we can be honest, vulnerable and trust of one another.  

I walked into Day 3 of action planning with this mission.  I took a group of educators into a room, shut the doors, and told them that today was a day about honesty.  We talked about collective teacher efficacy, articulating our why, and practiced how to use our WHY to create a school-wide mantra and prioritize goals that support our core beliefs.  
Here is the school-wide mantra the team created!

It was such a powerful day and it was one step taken to create an environment where it is hard to say goodbye

Below is a brief video describing the story of our day together. 

In addition, here is the slide deck referenced in the video if there are any resources you'd like to use to keep you strong and grounded, whether you're in a new position (like me) or not!

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